Welcome To The Soft Launch Summer
8 quests, 13,000,000+ OIK token airdop & enough incentives from our ecosystem partners to overload your Logistikos account. Join us to celebrate 12 weeks of the most anticipated web3 game launch.
Get Your Soft Launch Access Code
You first step into the 13,000,000+ OIK Soft Launch Summer starts with an access code. Find out where to get the hottest commodity in Space Nation this year.
Space Fleet Recruitment Program
Wars are not cheap so we have doubled your loot. From aspiring Cadets to seasoned Commanders, we're on the hunt for exception talents who can earn up to 15% in FUEL rebate rewards.
OKX NFT Trading Event
Finally, a gaming marketplace for gamers by gamers. Trade Space Nation NFTs between 27 Sept - 19 Oct & be in the running to win 60,000 OIK tokens!
Download The Launcher
Your Space Nation Soft Launch journey starts by downloading the launcher.
We take pride in our recognition by esteemed media and partners. Our journey in this project and franchise is constantly evolving, and we are dedicated to keeping you informed through an array of reputable media channels. Explore what the official voices have to say about us below.