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To Become a Guardian

The Guardians of Space Nation are an esteemed and dedicated group of individuals who play a vital role in the development of the Space Nation ecosystem. They are steadfastly committed to upholding and advancing the long-term interests of the project, while considering the needs of all stakeholders. Drawing on their extensive experience and professional expertise, they offer invaluable insights to help guide the project's direction. Although they are responsible for proposing ideas within the DAO, they do not hold voting rights. Their unwavering dedication is focused on ensuring the enduring growth and overall prosperity of Space Nation.

The comprehensive plan for selecting the initial cohort of 9 Guardians is still in the works, and we are planning to disclose the details ahead of the game's launch. Our team hopes to collaborate with the community to identify the most suitable candidates.

The Dev team will continue to hold three seats on the board of Guardians, with each appointment being announced and proposed to the DAO before the start of each term. The number of Dev seats will remain unchanged to ensure a more decentralized governance model.

The in-game Archons will have three seats to begin with, and the size of their representation will grow over time. To be eligible for an Archon seat, players must be a guild leader of an active guild who controls at least one planetary system in the game.

Similarly, the OIK holders will begin with three seats and have the opportunity to expand their representation in the same way as the Archons. The specific criteria for eligibility is still being finalized.

As a prevention against any malicious behavior, Guardians are required to pledge a significant amount of OIK to the Treasury.

To Become a DAO Member

Anyone who has at least one veOIK in his/her wallet becomes a DAO member. Voting rights are granted to this group of people.


veOIK represents the votes in the voting mechanism. OIK holders can stake OIK to obtain veOIK. veOIK is obtained according to the number of stakes and the length of the lock-up period. The larger the number of veOIK, the larger the amount of OIK staked or the longer the staking period.

veOIK = f(OIKamount, Lock Period)=δ OIKamountMAXTIME Lock PeriodveOIK = f(OIK\tiny amount, Lock Period) =\delta * \frac{OIK\tiny amount}{MAXTIME} * Lock Period

Staking one veOIK equals one vote. veOIK cannot be traded, it merely represents voting rights. Of course, we will have mechanisms in place to prevent many votes being centralized in the hands of only a few voters.

In the future, we will consider providing Space Nation players with an opportunity to stake NFT and obtain veOIK to become DAO members. Gamers invest their time and energy into the game, and hold CHR and NFT in their hands, but they do not necessarily hold OIK. The inability to vote could be deemed unfair to players who have no intention of holding OIK. Therefore, an NFT staking mechanism could help to resolve the issue and allow an even greater variety of stakeholders' voices be heard.


A proposal is put forward by a Guardian. It must comply with the requirements of the DAO policy, including the proposal content, category, voting window period, and more. The proposal will be published on a voting platform. Notifications will be sent to stakeholders.


The voting process starts at the end of the proposal. Voting participants shall vote or forfeit their right to vote within the given time window. Voting rules shall be consistent with what is stated in DAO policies.

One veOIK equals one vote. veOIK cannot be traded, it merely represents voting rights. Of course, we will have mechanisms in place to prevent many votes from being centralized in the hands of only a few voters.