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Space Opera

"The end came not with a whisper, but with a deafening roar as the home planet exploded into a billion tiny fragments. In that moment of destruction, the fiery grip of the star seemed to engulf the planet, as if it were eager to claim its wayward child back into its embrace."


Welcome to Space Nation, a story of survivors, builders, and fighters. Climb into your own spaceship and prepare to explore the far reaches of space.

Your home world is destroyed, and you are placed in a state of hibernation for a long time. Awoken by the Parousians, descendants of the human race, you take refuge amongst them. Little did anyone know, the shadow of war would soon descend upon sentient life, plunging all of civilization from existence.

Interact with deadly pirates, engaging factions, "honorable" mercenaries, and a host of alien species, as you navigate through perilous environments, from binary star systems to treacherous asteroid fields, while unearthing the secrets of ancient space ruins, salvaging wreckage for valuable resources, or uncovering untold riches in uncharted territories.


In the realm of space, you will encounter all sorts of people, even alien races. The humans of Oikos have formed various organizations, from ruthless pirates to Brotherhood warriors protecting merchant ships, and companies with advanced technology. Although these organizations seem independent, they are interconnected in complex ways. During your alien journey, dealing with the interests and goals of these organizations and interacting with various people will be the norm.

Other Life Forms

Within the vast expanse of the universe, there exist countless life forms traversing the cosmos. Some beings navigate the stars with honorable intentions, conducting legitimate business and forming alliances, while others engage in shady dealings, seeking to exploit anyone who crosses their path.


Ship captains will encounter any number of these beings and will engage in a variety of interactions with them, including intense battles, lucrative trades, and even the possibility of having them become part of their crew. The diversity of species in the Telikos Cluster provides a rich and exciting gameplay experience, with each encounter offering unique challenges and opportunities.

Interact with the New World

Your journey in the realm of space will also be affected by encounters with other Earth survivors.

Leverage your strengths and choose your path of development. You can join forces with other players to build an invincible guild alliance to collectively resist malicious predators. You can also visit space stations, integrate into the local business groups, and look for job and money-making opportunities. Alternatively, you can become a mysterious mercenary, keeping a low profile in the past and an unknown future. Or you can be an adventurous explorer, a fearless warrior, or even a lone traveler. What will your final direction be in this crisis-filled space world?

Battlegrounds Beyond the Stars

Ships disappear without a trace, signals drop out of range, and ghost ships are seen floating in space, all without any apparent explanation. As they gather at space stations and other social hubs, captains exchange worried whispers about the strange occurrences in the void. They voice their concerns about what could be causing these seemingly inexplicable anomalies and what fate awaits them if they too fall prey to such unknown dangers.
