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In the near and not-so-distant stages, the world of Space Nation will consist of individual star systems. Each star system will be divided into several planets and the scenes around the planets (including their satellites, man-made buildings, meteorites, etc.). These scenes will be divided into the areas we are already familiar with according to terrain and actual functions.

In the same plane, each scene can reach 4,900,000,000 square kilometers! This is an unprecedented vast world.

Traveling in Space

Cosmic Rail

As the most basic form of rapid movement, Cosmic Rail will connect the main areas within a scene.

When a spacecraft passes through a ring facility, the ring facility will generate gravitational waves, causing the space structure in front of the spacecraft to shrink (or expand behind), forming a semi-curved bubble. This bubble can drag the spacecraft over a long distance. Although space will become distorted, you won't notice the light is significantly distorted, only a part of the extended starlight at the edge of the contraction area shows you are behind the distorted space. However, the spaceship still cannot reach the speed of light, as the gravitational waves move away from the spaceship, your speed will quickly slow down. You still need energy to propel your spaceship to catch that wave. However, the speed of the waves is as fast as light, and the space contraction constructed by energy/matter will disappear after a distance. Therefore, humans have built a series of large ring facilities to continue accelerating the speed of the spacecraft. Although this method cannot achieve faster-than-light travel, it eliminates the need for spaceships to install large hyperspace facilities, making it still the most cost-effective way of travel in the interstellar era.


For situations of moving further or even to another planet, players need to use Jump for interplanetary jumps.

Warp flight is the earliest and most economical medium-long range flight method verified by humans. However, warp movement depends on space distortion. This makes them relatively fixed routes.

Hyperspace Stargate

People have learned hyperspace technology from alien races, and built huge stargates to span the stars.

Stargate's technical principle is based on hyperspace technology. Hyperspace is a concept of hyperspace, which is a different dimension from the three-dimensional space we are familiar with. In hyperspace, the three-dimensional distance of objects is blurred, enabling fast traversal of long distances. To build a stargate, it is necessary to find the weak point in space and build stargate facilities near it. Finding conditions for weak points in space is a complex task that requires the use of advanced detection techniques and gravitational field measurement instruments. Through detailed measurements and analysis of the gravitational field of galaxies, the location and characteristics of weak points in space can be determined.


In the world of Space Nation, all spaceships are typically divided into three types, namely combat spaceships, exploration spaceships, and mining spaceships. All three types of spaceships have their own areas of expertise in work and activities.

Each type of spaceship will be divided into several tiers. These tiers represent not only the actual tonnage of the spaceship, but also the basic strength and functional distinction.

Combat Ship (Warship)

In the world of Space Nation, combat ships are a sight to behold. At the forefront, we have nimble vessels that resemble cosmic lightning. Compact yet brimming with power, they serve as agile hunters on the battlefield, always ready for rapid response. Serving as interceptors or corvettes, their exceptional maneuverability gives adversaries pause, their primary mission being to counteract harassment from smaller ships or to breach enemy lines delivering unexpected assaults.

Next, we have stalwart and ironclad ships. These robust vessels trade some agility for enhanced durability and firepower. Their expansive hulls enable them to accommodate diverse weapon systems, making the pursuit and obliteration of lighter enemy units a breeze.

Then come the vessels that bear significant battlefield responsibilities. These ships act as the backbone of any fleet. Their large hulls allow for the carriage of larger weapons and sophisticated combat systems such as short-range jumps and shield generators. Despite their hefty appearance, their extensive modifications render them remarkably adaptable in tactical scenarios, utilizing formidable firepower to become unpredictable variables on the frontlines.

Finally, the undisputed behemoths of the fleet. These vessels represent the most prized combat units, possessing the largest hulls and sturdiest armor. Serving as the linchpins of fleet engagements, they function as mobile fortresses, creating an impregnable barrier with their unrivaled defense and firepower. The fleets often structure their formations around these vessels, always ready to confront any challenge that emerges in the vast expanse of space.

Mining Ship

In the world of Space Nation, mining vessels are your key to success. They range from small-scale, efficient units that excel in mineral extraction and transportation, to colossal machines built to withstand the harshest environments and tackle the toughest ores.

The entry-level vessels are not the most sophisticated ore gatherers, yet they navigate intricate asteroid belts where larger ships falter. Their affordability ensures that owning a basic mining vessel is uncomplicated. Despite limitations in cargo capacity and customization, they are the most prevalent operational ships among Space Nation's denizens.

As you progress, you'll gain access to enhanced mining ships boasting significant enhancements in customization and transportation capabilities. These medium-sized units can handle most mining assignments with ease and they harvest more than just ores. By skillfully employing diverse collection equipment, these ships excel in resource acquisition.

For the ultimate mining experience, we have robust ships featuring colossal hulls and potent mining tools. These vessels are built to withstand even the harshest environments and tackle the toughest ores. Many captains take advantage of larger vessels by equipping various devices to augment their versatility. Additionally, the vast cargo holds give these ships a distinct edge in transport efficiency and economic value.

Exploring Ship

Start the universe of fast-paced exploration! Our exploration spacecraft are designed with one pure purpose - to fly faster and farther. Despite their compact size, these ships bring unparalleled lightness and flexibility, unable to install many components. We've enhanced the power systems to ensure heavier spacecraft can also fly at higher speeds. These modifications guarantee more functional extendability and the ability to undertake heavier exploration tasks. Now, welcome true "oceanographic ships" of the cosmic era, capable of carrying a rich detection system. Compared to basic exploration vessels, they allow the installation of more equipment and carry more exploration supplies. These exploration ships bearing these burdens become real interstellar travelers.

Spaceship Components

Spaceship components are an important system that allows you to customize your spaceship according to your needs. In the dock, you can adjust various components to adapt to different flight and combat scenarios.

Weapon System

The weapon system is the attacking force of the spaceship. Its design is simple and clear, and it can add a variety of attacking methods to the spaceship. Whether it's a laser generator that can destroy enemies instantly, or traditional rail guns, the weapon system can provide a variety of attack methods and damage types.

Choosing the weapon that is most suitable for the current combat environment can often give you an advantage in combat and achieve more with less.

Energy System

The energy system is the power source of the spaceship. You can choose a suitable reactor to provide electricity for all systems on the spaceship.

The ICF reactor is an inertially constrained fusion reactor. Its power control is flexible and can significantly increase output power in a short time, suitable for small and medium-sized ships.

The HIF reactor is an improved version of the ordinary inertially constrained fusion reactor. Compared with the ordinary ICF, it has a higher output efficiency.

The MCF reactor uses magnetic constraint fusion technology, operates stably, and can output large power. However, because of its large size, it is usually only installed on large spaceships.

The MIF reactor uses a magnetic field to constrain the initial low-temperature plasma together, and then compresses the plasma to fusion conditions using a shock driver or "liner".

Propulsion System

The propulsion system is the moving force of the spaceship, providing a variety of options. You can choose a thruster that steadily moves forward and balances various attributes, or you can choose a thruster that focuses on maximum speed and is aggressive. If you want to shuttle flexibly in the universe, you can also choose to use a high-specific-impulse pulse thruster.

The nuclear fusion thruster uses the powerful energy generated by fuel fusion, exhausts the fusion waste gas from the back of the rocket to provide thrust. This thruster can provide efficient and lasting acceleration force in space.

The nuclear pulse thruster uses the energy generated by the reactor to produce a laser, and generates a strong recoil force through high-frequency fuel fusion, which is a high-specific-impulse thruster.

The ion engine uses electricity to create charged particles and uses an accelerating electric field to accelerate them to extremely high speeds, thereby producing a large recoil force.


The dock is the storage and modification space for the spaceship, where you can replace the cargo hold or install drone bays and other components.

Multi-function Slot

This is a slot that allows players to freely combine spaceship functions according to their needs. You can allocate most functional components to this slot to enrich the gameplay and fun of the spaceship.

Interstellar Combat

In the era of space travel, life isn't always peaceful and harmonious. Faced with daily threats such as interstellar pirates and alien marauders, you need to learn some survival skills to carve out your own territory in this dangerous universe.

Weapon System

In the game Space Nation, all spaceships can be equipped with a weapon system. The ship is equipped with a basic weapon system by default. However, if you install additional weapon components, you will be able to unleash special weapon abilities, enhancing your strength in combat.


Armor is an additional, removable and replaceable modular defense device. It serves as a simple defense tool that can provide extra protection for your spaceship. Advanced armor not only provides stronger protection but also adds valuable damage resistance, making you stronger in combat.


The contest between offense and defense also exists in space. There are several different types of resistance in the game, such as kinetic, electromagnetic, beam damage resistance, etc. Players can increase these resistances through armor to reduce the corresponding type of damage. At the same time, you can also enhance a certain type of attack ability by matching weapons reasonably, giving you an advantage in combat.


Whether you're a captain or a crew member, you can enhance the attributes of the spaceship by learning and mastering different skills. As your level as a captain rises, and as the crew participates in more actions, you can master more skills, enrich your spaceship modification scheme, and make your spaceship more powerful.

Measuring the Universe

Encapsulation of Vector Anomaly Chips

The exploration spacecraft is equipped with specific gravitational wave detectors, which can be used to discover gravity distortion points in space and engrave the corresponding coordinates and specific information into the vector chips.

Using vector chips can trigger personal, team, and other types of instances dungeon. The instance challenges cover various forms such as mining and combat. The triggering of instance modes and content is related to the quality and level of the vector chip. Rare vector chips will appear as NFT props and will play a more important role.

Resource Recycling

During exploration, the exploration ship may discover various lost wrecks. Through the use of a special drone recycling system, the wreckage can be delivered to the spaceport for disassembly.

Disassembling resources may obtain various valuable items, or even relics or special materials.

Star Map Scanning

The exploration ship can scan areas in specified scenes to obtain information fragments and store them in the star map. Star map data will be saved in the form of "coordinates" (NFTs), and beacon holders will be allowed to use some advanced functions in the star map and can unlock corresponding achievements in the POC system.